
30000 words and shoes…

Second happy post in a row but hey sometimes it´s just a good week or a good day.

I had set myself several happy goals for today:

  • Sit down and write for an hour this morning
  • Pamper myself a bit
  • Spend some quality time with my dear husband
  • Find a pair of black boots (I wore the last ones until its sole had no secrets for me) and maybe a pair of dark brown ankle boots
  • And reach the 30000 words mark on my paranormal YA WIP during the week-end

I am so pleased that I managed all of them: the most difficult one was to find that pair of black boots 😉 My other half may need a medal for coming with me. He did mention though that this was worse than a dentist´s visit…

Reaching 30000 words makes me proud because that means my dedication has paid off even if some days I cannot write for more than 20 minutes a day.  I am one step closer to finishing this novel. My story is unfolding, the mystery is thickening and my MC has a lot coming to her and I cannot wait to put it on paper.

As Scarlett O´Hara said: “Tomorrow is another day” (and I do have to finish writing our wedding thank-you cards…) but for now I am going to cuddle on the couch with a nice cup of tea and indulge in watching some old Friends episodes.

Oh and for those of you who may be interested in shoes, here are pictures of my lucky finds:

Comments put a smile on my face :-)